testo di prova


1978-2018 Dal Palù al Parco del Livenza al Museo del Territorio
From 10 October 2018 to 17 October 2018
Ospitale e Chiesa San Gregorio

Palù di Livenza – Unesco Heritage, the Park of Livenza and the Museum of the Territory are the occasion for celebrate the 40th anniversary of the association “Naturalisti Sacile” with an important exhibition.

Opening event Wednesday 10 October at 20:30 at the Church of San Gregorio.
The exhibition will continue until Wednesday 17 October at the Ospitale San Gregorio with the following times:
Mon-Sat: 16-20
Sun: 9-12am and 4pm-8pm

Free admission

Organized by:

Associazione Naturalisti Sacile Onlus
Email: naturalistisacile@gmail.com
Cell. 3497030657