testo di prova


Concerti della Memoria: “La meglio gioventù” – Postponed
29 January 2023

Concert postponed due to unforeseen reasons
The new event date will be announced shortly


A tribute concert to PierPaolo Pasolini.
The composition classes of the A. Steffani Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto and the J. Tomadini Conservatory of Udine present their music inspired by the figure of Pier Paolo Pasolini, performed by an instrumental ensemble of twelve instrumental students selected in the two institutes.
The pieces in the program are original works by eight promising new authors, who celebrate unpublished shoots of creativity born from the poetic and artistic suggestions of Pasolini.

Free admission.
For information: concertocsm@gmail.com
or sms/whatsapp at no. 333 3015009

Organized by:

Associazione Musicale Coro e Orchestra S. Marco