testo di prova


Guided Tour
the altarpiece and altar dedicated to Saints Cosma and Damiano
20 June 2020

The Parish of San Nicola Vescovo presents the altarpiece and altar dedicated to Saints Cosma and Damiano after the restorative measures.

The altarpiece, whose author is unknown, depicts the two Christian martyrs Cosma and Damiano, twins and both doctors, with the tools of their activity and the book of botany, from which medicine took a lot of its remedies. Among them one recognizes Saint Francis of Assisi holding a cross and above the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus, Saint Anthony from Padua and Saint Liberal in sacred conversation.

The ceremony begins at 19.00 with the celebration of the Holy Mass for the doctors and nurses who died in the emergency period and for those who still continue to take care of sick people.

At the end of the function: blessing of the altarpiece and altar dedicated to Saints Cosma and Damiano, recently restored thanks to the contribution of several donors and with the contribution of Fondazione Friuli and Rotary Club of Sacile.

Organized by:

Parrocchia San Nicola Vescovo
tel +39 043471158
email segreteria@duomosacile.it